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contoh kalimat sea turtle

"sea turtle" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You're destroying sea Turtle biosphere with that urine.
    Kau menghancurkan biosfer penyu dengan urine itu.
  • It is sea turtle fucking season, dude.
    Ini adalah penyu laut fucking musim, dude.
  • At least more than that sea turtle
    Setidaknya lebih cantik daripada penyu laut itu
  • I'm talking about a sea turtle in the wild.
    Aku membicarakan penyu laut liar.
  • You look exactly like a sea turtle
    Kau terlihat seperti penyu laut
  • This is a green sea turtle!
    Lihatlah, Itu adalah penyu hijau!
  • I'd like to report some sea turtle eggs outside of my house.
    Ya. Aku ingin melaporkan ada telur kura-kura laut diluar rumahku.
  • A sea turtle laid eggs.
    Kura-kura laut baru bertelur.
  • Just this morning they released a green sea turtle back into the wild.
    Pagi ini mereka melepaskan penyu hijau kembali ke alam liar.
  • The background of the formation of Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation
    Latar belakang terbentuknya Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation
  • Release Sea Turtle in Marina launching ceremony
    Pelepasliaran Tukik Dalam Acara Pencanangan Pelabuhan Marina
  • Release Sea Turtle With Alumni of Medicine School of Brawijaya University
    Pelepasliaran Tukik Bersama Alumnus kedokeran Universitas Brawijaya
  • Legendary Mythical Unique Mermaid Sea Turtle Patch
    Muffin Murni Unik Mermaid Sea Turtle Patch
  • Deed of Establishment Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation.
    Base of Conduct Banyuwangi Sea Turtle Foundation
  • Brown, sea, turtle, photo, animal, animals, fish
    coklat, laut, kura-kura, foto, hewan, hewan, ikan
  • Photos from kvdl, [~Bryan~], SemperNovus, www.LKGPhoto.com, sea turtle, siskokid, and Wizum.
    Photos from michy66, Daniel Karamoy, nofiandi and Ksatria Web.
  • With the help of Crush, their sea turtle friend, they ride the California Current to California.
    Dengan bantuan Crush, mereka naik saat akan menuju ke California.
  • If I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him, after I'm done talking to the shark.
    Jika aku benar-benar melihat penyu,Aku akan menanyakannya, Setelah aku berbicara dengan Hiu.
  • And the first time we go out on a dive, we saw an effing sea turtle, which is very rare.
    Dan pertama kali kami menyelam. Kami melihat penyu. sangat langka.
  • Chat with Crush, the sea turtle, at the undersea observatory in the S.S. Columbia.
    Berbincang dengan Crush, si kura-kura laut, dalam ruang observasi dasar laut di Kapal S.S. Columbia.
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